Tuesday, 30 November 2010


For our ancillary task we need to create a digipak for the CD and a magazine advert. One way we will link these seperate promotional works is with the text.

We experimented with different typography on word and we ended up downloading a few offline too. These are a few we looked at:

Monday, 29 November 2010


On the 28th Of November we went filming to Mike's house. We filmed the shots that needed to be done there. We decided filming each location separately was the best way to do it.

Vanessa Wall was able to play the part of the romantic interest for our music video. Luckily, she was a fan of Chase Coy too and was very helpful when it came to filming.

The filming overall took about an hour and a half and we were filming two difficult parts of the video. We filmed the effect of the slow down but still in sync footage which took several takes as Mike had to play and sing in double speed. The other difficult shot was the opening scene, this is where the guitar plays itself. After figuring out the strum pattern we managed to capture it after a couple of takes.

Overall, it was a successful shoot and we managed to get all the footage we needed from that location. Next, we will be filming on location in Ashcombe park, we will be getting all the shots we need from here and then, like we did for the first lot of the shots, we will edit what we have so far so the editing wont take as much time.

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Feedback On Photoshop

We showed the 'disaster' to some other people to make sure we weren't being to critical on the image. We found that they also agreed with us and that the image didn't seem to look nice. The colours didn't blend well and it was over-edited. We decided to go on another shoot and try simpler ideas for the ancillary tasks.

Photoshoot Disaster

Unfortunately, when it came to editing our images from the photoshoot we realized they didn't look good enough. We decided to go out on another shoot to get better, more professional looking images.

We spent the lesson on photoshop trying to make the image look good enough but we were still unhappy with the outcome. Next lesson we will be re-designing our digi-pak and going out on a photo-shoot.

Saturday, 20 November 2010

Filming Notes

Mike's House: 12 shots (Greyscale effect) (Slow motion syncing effect) (Fading effect)

: 19 shots (Slow motion syncing effect) (Fading effect)

: 11 shots (Greyscale effect) (Slow motion effect) (Fading effect)

: 11 shots (Greyscale effect) (Slow motion effect) (Fading effect)

: 30 seconds of footage over instrumental
Various links- Results (University), Holding up prospectus', Memories of the two characters in the previous locations.

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Photoshoot Planning for Digi- Pack

Next lesson we have decided to go on a photoshoot in weston woods, as this location has relevant scenery to the singer/song writer genre of our song. The location is ideal as it provides appropriate aesthetic elements that relates to similar themes in this genre.

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Chase Coy CD Covers

By looking at covers Chase Coy has used for his music we can see how he represents himself and his music. In the images he looks quite laid back so we want to show this idea in the shoot we do for our digipak and magazine advert.

He also doesn't look at the camera in any of the covers. Natural lighting is used in most of the images also, the sun is seen in them.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Effects Test

Colour And Black And White

This effect was alot more difficult to get our heads around. After, messing about with the programme (final cut pro) we managed to create this effect of greyscale and colour.

We want to look at different ways of doing this as when Mike moves in the film the coloured part stays the same. We need to figure out away of using a mask to only make Mike stand out.

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Sin City Effect

Sin City is a well known film featuring many famous actors/actresses. The effect used throughout the film has caught our eye and we wanted to test it to see if we could produce something similar.

As you can see the effect is using greyscale with limited colour. The effect is outstanding and looks amazing even on a photograph. We like how the significance of the object is shown by making it stand out from the rest of the scene.

We thought we could use this to show the memories. Have the singer appear in colour and the rest of the frame would be in black and white. It shows the character is crossing to a memory/better time. We also thought this effect would show memory well and would work well with the storyline.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

MTV EMA Awards 2010

The MTV EMA awards has recently just finished. On November 7th they held this well known music awards ceremony in spain, madrid.

The best music video award went to Katy Perry feat. Snoop Dogg - California gurls

Although this music video is very abstract and different to our ideas it shares some similar conventions. The idea of narrative mixed in performance is scene in this award winning video, we also hope to include this idea of narrative and performance.

Monday, 8 November 2010

Lip Syncing

We created a short video to test out lip syncing. We used Gary Jules' 'Mad World' to test music syncing and lip syncing. We used this song as like ours it's slow and meaningful rather than fast shots.

The video is only simple and short as its only just and experiment to show how lip syncing works and if it will look right when our actor mimes.

Saturday, 6 November 2010

Effects Test

Fading Away

For the ending of the memories shots we wanted the girl to fade, to show the singer is coming back to reality. We wanted to experiment with how to create this simple effect. We are also using it to show the two of them going their own ways.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Evaluation So Far

How does your media product use, develop or challenge the forms and conventions of real media products?
Our media product is conventional to a singer/songwriter music video as it incorporates performances with a narrative. Although, it's hard to say what is conventional when it comes to music videos. This is because you can do almost anything and use different ideas to produce a final product. However, some people say that everything has already been done so it makes it hard to create an original piece. Looking at other singer/songwriter's videos we saw that there are some conventions associated with this genre: Scenic views, bright colours and very natural mise en scene. We used and challenged these conventions, such as using a beach at sunset for various shots and we challenged it by using mundane locations.

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
We hope that our music video and ancillary texts are linked together. We plan to use the same actor in both the main product and the ancillary texts so the audience can associate him with the song. Our idea for the back of the CD cover is a notebook with the song titles written on as this is conventional to a singer/songwriter.

What have you learned from your audience feedback?
We used audience feedback to justify a target audience. We interviewed various people and looked on social networking sites to find who he most aims at. We found that his main audience are teenagers, but others like his music too. This is because his lyrics can be related to well, by many different people.

How have you used new media technologies?
During our research we have used various new media technologies. We used prezi to help show our research for music videos and singer/songwriters.

Monday, 1 November 2010

Animatic Audience Feedback

We found that most people would recognize black and white as a past time. This is because it's the norm and used in most films and videos.

However, Some people liked the artistic idea of the colour being the memory, as the world is brighter with someone you love. They thought it might be too complex however for a music video. They thought it made more sense this way but it is more conventional for the memories to be black and white.

We want to experiment with the idea of trying to incorperate a mixture of colour and greyscale. Looking at the film 'sin city', we liked the way throughout the film, only significant items/things were in colour while the rest of the footage is black and white.

Overall, the audience said that the animatic fitted well with the song. It didn't need quick shots beacuase the song is slow paced.